1. what is "the big one"?
2. "INTAMINATES" is funny.
3. sacolton is the nicest guy evaaarrrrr. respect his authoritah.
-- not intaminating it
Not Feeling It
JoinedPosts by Not Feeling It
Not Feeling It
Gag alert! Latest email from devout JW Mom
by bud2114 inmy mother knows i have lots of issues with the org.
yet she still forwards me this crap as "encouragement".
i love my mother, but i wish i could get through to her that jw's aren't any more special to god than anyone else.
Not Feeling It
"first universal bank of jehovah" is probably the dumbest thing I've heard all day. but I've been drinking this evening so maybe I've said stupider things.
-- not investing it -
NEED ADVICE opinions wanted.
by burningbridges inok, i need advice, i put this originally under a different thread but definitely not angled the right way.... opinions wanted!!!!!!.
i really want to have another baby right now, but i'm going through a divorce.
the guy i'm with right now is great (been with him eight months ok, stop, don't judge, listen to the whole story!!!
Not Feeling It
I'm sorry, I doubt you will get many opinions from the denizens of this site -- they're much too demure especially about baby-making topics. -- not birfin' it
Mr. Flipper, Please Help
by jamiebowers incan you give this poor guy some advice?
he's not df'd yet, but it looks like he is well on his way.
can you tell him how you got your df'ing reversed?
Not Feeling It
Not Feeling It- I feel you . I sense your presence. You just invocated the spirit ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Help me, Obiwan Flipobe. You're my only hope!
latest convention
by shadowofbathory inive long held the belief the wt is more a heavy handed pusher and seller of moralistic laws than spiritual guidance,.
it was strongly re commfirmed after the latest convention.. did anyone else notice this?.
any comments on the drama?.
Not Feeling It
I agree that this last convention was all about do's and don'ts. Not very friendly at all.
are there any religions on earth that dont simply push their own agenda but guide their audience to a higher understanding ( without defining that )?
That's a tough one, because I think that any organism, given time, will spend at least a good portion of it's time on survival. Organizations also operate like a super-organism. I enjoyed Vanier's book on Becoming Human . He suggests that our need for individuality and our need for community are both needed, but opposed. Too much individualism, you have anarchy and abuse. Too much power to the community, and the individual is sublimated.
So I think the trick is to find an organization that fosters a welcoming and safe community while also honoring the individual.
Very succinct and thoughtful post. I'll have to check out that book. I find that applies to government as well. Although I think too much community/government power results in oppression rather than just sublimation.
-- Not Sublimating It
JWD Fantasy Football League - Join now!
by UnConfused inokay kids, it's time to do it again.
pm me if you are a serious manager in the ways of fantasy football and want to play.
we'll do 10, 12 or 14 teams depending on the rush of managers.
Not Feeling It
Cool! FF is too much work for me.
If anyone wants to do a straight-up pick 'em pool for $50 let me know. 1st prize is usually 700... uh... points. Yeah... points.
-- Not Gambling It
question for experts
by cameo-d ingenesis 4:7. when god says to cain "sin is crouching at your door".. how did cain know what a door is?
i thought they lived in caves or lean-to's.. have archeologists found bc hinges?.
Not Feeling It
A lot of meanings for door. Not just the piece of wood on a building.
It is a translation from Hebrew. I don't know what the original word means but I'm sure theres interpretation there.
-- Not Defining It
door [ dawr, dohr ]
1. a movable, usually solid, barrier for opening and closing an entranceway, cupboard, cabinet, or the like, commonly turning on hinges or sliding in grooves. 2. a doorway: to go through the door. 3. the building, house, etc., to which a door belongs: My friend lives two doors down the street. 4. any means of approach, admittance, or access: the doors to learning. 5. any gateway marking an entrance or exit from one place or state to another: at heaven's door. —Idioms
6. lay at someone's door, to hold someone accountable for; blame; impute. 7. leave the door open, to allow the possibility of accommodation or change; be open to reconsideration: The boss rejected our idea but left the door open for discussing it again next year. 8. lie at someone's door, to be the responsibility of; be imputable to: One's mistakes often lie at one's own door. 9. show someone the door, to request or order someone to leave; dismiss: She resented his remark and showed him the door. -
by Terry inhttps://www.yousendit.com/download/q01gchbichz0qtj4dnc9pq.
Not Feeling It
This was taken tonite, long story lol.
Yeah, but where is Bert?
// Not posting any pic of me in a public thread.
//// No, I don't care that anyone can enroll.
-- Not Feeling It
This trip to the Beach
by purplesofa ini went to the beach today, it was cloudy and looked like one hell of a storm was coming toward us.
somehow it missed us, but the cloud and lightening display was awesome.
i fed the gulls part of the bread from my sandwich teasing them to come closer and closer.
Not Feeling It
1. I love Wilco.
Did you know Wilco will be at Florida Theatre this wednesday Aug 6th??? I got the last ticket, one single ticket!!! I am so excited!!!
B. I prefer Atlantic Beach.
Haven't been there yet, only Jax Beach, what is better about it?
Lastly: Anyone want to buy a condo near Mayport?
is it on the water?
It looked like all that storming was at Jax Beach
Nice! I wish I could see them. It seems every time they come to town I'm somewhere else. :(
Atlantic Beach is more cozy/towny. JB is nice but more commercial. Good concerts there on Seawalk as I recall.
Nah, condo is near the naval station. Translation: scary.
Mr. Flipper, Please Help
by jamiebowers incan you give this poor guy some advice?
he's not df'd yet, but it looks like he is well on his way.
can you tell him how you got your df'ing reversed?
Not Feeling It
Wow... is there a Flip-Signal or was there some invocation/sacrifice involved here? I want to summon Flip to my threads!
-- Not Flipping It